Monday 19 August 2013

The universe...How will it all end???

Now i warn anyone who is sitting at home, or at work, or even on a park bench somewhere eating a doughnut that if you do not want to here a rather depressing set of facts on how the universe will end (which may i add so far there are no 'happy endings') that you go back to the main page of this blog and read another post, that may be better suited to the more lightheaded audiences who just wish to hear about pretty stars and pictures, however if this is not you well that's great lets get started....

(But don't complain to me when you have nightmare tonight)

Now to put it in simple terms there are 5 ways in which the universe could end (that we have found so far). One of these theory's is that the universe will not end and that there will be no complete end to the universe and this is know as a multiverse theory, there are several well know theory's to do with multiverses however as this blog post is about the end of the universe and not how it may keep on going and going i will skip over the multiverses. Ha i bet you thought there might be a happy ending!

The first of the four theory's that we are going to look at is know as the heat death or the big freeze now basically to put it as simple as i can, as the universe keeps on expanding and expanding the temperatures will drop till they reach near absolute zero eventually the universe runs out of gas and stars go out one by one and no more stars are born which will eventually lead to a universe dominated by black holes and even they themselves will eventually disappear... are you worried yet?- This theory by the way is also the current most accept theory of how the universe could end.

The second of the four theory's is know as the big rip, in this scenario basically dark energy, which is like anti gravity wins and beats gravity, once doing so it just keeps getting stronger and stronger thus the universe expands faster and faster, and eventually it will get to a point where dark energy is so much more powerful than gravity, gravity itself will no longer have the force to hold planets, or stars or, even the electrons that make up the atoms in you, so what we get in effect is everything gets ripped apart...what do you mean you want your mummy?

Now the final two theory's coincide with each other and they are known as the big crunch and the big bounce so starting off with the big crunch, the big crunch is the theory that eventually the expansion of the universe will slow down and is much like the opposite of the big rip rather than dark energy winning gravity wins and starts to pull everything back together, until you reach the point upon where everything is bag where it started the same size as the universe a fraction of a millisecond after the big bang, now this is where the theory of something called an oscillating universe comes from, the big bounce is the theory that once the big crunch is complete it will then blow everything back off into another big bang which then eventually goes back into a big crunch and so on and so forth etc. etc. so that is the theory's of the big crunch and the big sleep well tonight.

And that is the 4 different current theory's on how the universe will end its life, and just remember that these events that we are talking about here are not due for a very long time trillions of years so no need to worry our own star will have gone out by then, that's all for now folks if you have any questions about this post or would like to correct something which you believe to be wrong just contact me through G+ and get subscribing guys i also have twitter too, mattyc1796 speak soon thanks.

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