Tuesday 27 August 2013

The I.S.S

Dear all, after speaking to many people who like yourselves read this blog it has come to my attention that some people wish for me to talk about multiverses, however unfortunatley i do not have the time at the moment to write about such a complex matter (for those who dont know the multiverse theorys are that of which suggest the universe will not end), as i am currently standing at one of novetels lovley macs in the beuatiful city of York, where i am meant to be on holiday but i just cant keep away from my beloved followers, so after much thinking about what to write about i decided that the best topic would be somthing on the simple side, so this post is going to be on the i.s.s or the international space station.

The i.s.s is a satalitte a man made one to be precise, and it is habitable by humans for periods of time, it is in lower earth orbit, which is high- but in atronomical terms doesent even scratch the surface of space.The iss orbits the earth 15.50 times a day at a hight of 205miles. Its first component was launced in 1988 and is now the largest artificial body in orbit and can be seen clearly from even light polluted areas clearly, if you wish to see it for yourself i would recommend taking a look on the heavens above website which will give you a list of times to see it from your location. The space station has been in orbit for close to 13 years and after much disscution it has been decided that unfortunatly it is to be de orbited and sunk into the pacific oceon in ten years time where it will become the most expense diving reef ever!

The main purpose of the i.s.s was to reasearch several experiments that could only be done in zero gravity and after all this time some people still believe that it was a waste of money! Claiming it has done nothing and that we could of been to mars three times over if it had not been for this body of metal orbiting us.... but what do you think... the iss a waste of space? or an awesome development? anymore questions just tweet me or reply in a comment will speak soon guys!

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