Sunday 18 August 2013


Heya guys, if your reading this the chances are that either i have unwillingly forced you to view this blog or that you generally do have an interest in space, the universe and stars. There is also the possibility that you are reading this because one night when you were walking the dog you saw a UFO, now the chances of that last one is fairly slim because if there is any other life out there (which i can tell you from evidence we have gathered, the chances are very high that there is) the chances of them stopping here are very unlikely, i mean they would probably take one look at what we as a species have done to our little speck of dust, they would then commence to put their foot down and keep on driving down the interstellar highway, either that or take out their very large ray gun and eliminate us before we manage to destroy the whole universe by fighting over who has shares in which planetary system, and who gets to take taxes from the public to spend on lavish party's (politicians I'm talking about you here), this blog is for anyone no matter what your age, ethnicity, religious beliefs or in my case my shoe size, and before anyone asks yes i do know what I'm talking about, I'm a volunteer for kielder observatory and am commencing my A-level studies in a few weeks, in which of course i am taking physics, which in case you were wondering i also took at gcse level. Any questions that you may wish for me to talk about would be greatly appreciated, if you do have any ideas just get in touch, thanks guys speak soon.

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